from our chairman
The East London Surf Lifesaving Club was founded in 1937. Its members are responsible for patrolling the Nahoon Beach in East London, which is a voluntary service to the community. The aim is to provide a safe and enjoyable beach experience. The Club is affiliated to Lifesaving South Africa (LSA), an organisation made up of approximately 7,000 volunteers of all races and cultures, the goal to reduce drowning in South Africa.
The Clubs main objective is to train children of all ages, to eventually serve as volunteer lifeguards. Lifesaving was originally developed to keep lifeguards fit and develop their skills but has since evolved into a competitive sport. It is a fun outdoors activity that grows a child’s confidence, teaches valuable life skills and knowledge. It is the ethos of East London Surf to create a family lifestyle for all, where aspiring children (lifeguards), no matter the level of their ability, feel a sense of being part of a team. The youth of East London are the future of Surf Life Saving and this pathway teaches lessons and skills about how to be safe in the sea and on the beach, learning basic first aid and skills to becoming fit and healthy. It is not hard work it is serious fun….and is a great way to make friends, be active and enjoy the beach in a safe healthy environment.
East London Surf Lifesaving, like so many other lifesaving clubs, offer Nippers, Juniors and Senior lifeguard programs. The Nippers section has grown from a handful of Nippers to a current standing of approximately 130 children and it is this program that will ensure that the Club continues to grow from strength to strength. East London Surf Lifesaving Club are fortunate to have families in East London that have similar mindsets, that make the Club a special place to be for all members. It is a privilege to see all the talented young individuals representing the East London Surf Lifesaving Club.
David Mandell

Lifesaving is by its very nature family orientated and all social events are geared towards including all members of the family. Trips away to competitions and carnivals are great family bonding experiences, which also offer the opportunity for both parents and Nippers to make new friends.